Schools and Ministries

Welcome to our Schools and Ministries page.  This page is set up to help give you information on the schools and ministries that our seven bases host, and to connect you to them.  If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us.

The Discipleship Training School

The Discipleship Training School (DTS) is designed to help you understand God more deeply, live more like Jesus and identify your unique gifts and purpose to use in missions.

DTS is a full-time, residential training course which begins with an 11 or 12 weeks classroom phase, followed by an 8-12 week outreach time. The DTS emphasizes cross-cultural exposure and global awareness, preparing students to answer the call to "Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations" Matthew 28:19.

The Discipleship Training School is a requirement for applying as YWAM staff and serves as a prerequisite to all other training programs. The DTS is offered at several YWAM locations in the Dominican Republic. Some schools have a special focus on particular areas of ministry or nations.

Dominican Republic DTS Locations

Check out our 2013 information to find a DTS that interests you and then contact that location directly for information about dates, fees and focus.

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Begins:  -



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Santo Domingo

Contact: YWAM Santo Domingo

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San Pedro



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Begins:  April and September

Villa Mella



Begins:  -


King's Kids

King's Kids is YWAM's youth ministry, and our main goal is to disciple young people in God's Word, leading them to a closer relationship with Him and challenging them to change their generation for Christ.  King's Kids uses the arts as a focus in order to bring the message of salvation to the lost, through  choreographies, dramas, songs, etc.  The kids (ranging from ages 8-18) meet the second weekend of each month and are challenged with subjects such as the Word of God, integrity, the path of holiness, and others.  Teachings are then applied with evangelistic outreaches on the streets and churches.

King's Kids in the Dominican Republic began in Santo Domingo, but has spread to Jarabacoa and Santiago (where is is known as SUYO).

For more information on Kings Kids in Youth With A Mission, please click here for a look at our King's Kids international website.  Please contact each location directly for information about dates, fees, and focus.

Santo Domingo

Contact: YWAM Santo Domingo

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NIKO (greek for perseverance) is offered at our YWAM Santiago location.  Niko is a five days wilderness leadership training program run by YWAM Santiago where you step out and discover more about who God has made you to be. Your learning environment will be the great outdoors, the "classroom of life". You will learn skills vital to working as a team, being a leader, and pushing yourself beyond the limits you thought you could never overcome. We have seen major changes in groups as they learn to surrender their individual rights and become interdependent on each other as they grow in their dependence on Jesus our Rock. Come with us as we discover God in new ways!


Our NIKO is sometimes bilingual English-Spanish, and sometimes only Spanish. If you are interested in this ministry please contact us at YWAM Santiago for the application.